Catch of the Day

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Fishermen don't rely on luck in order to catch fish--they put their skills, knowledge, and experience into play every time they cast their line. Likewise, righteous and godly living doesn't come naturally but requires study, commitment, and a lot of practice. In Catch of the Day, Jimmy Houston combines his love of fishing and his love of God in this unique fisherman's 365-day devotional.

Each day features:

  • a meaningful Scripture
  • a daily devotional that incorporates a thought for meditation which applies insights from the art of fishing to daily spiritual growth
  • a fishing tip from bassmaster, Jimmy Houston

With colorful interiors and a ribbon marker, Catch of the Day is a great gift for

  • birthdays, Father's Day, and Christmas
  • Grandparents Day or as an encouragement boost for an outdoors enthusiast needing a lift

Put into action the characteristics needed to be a great fisherman, and see how they can also make you into a great fisher of men. Anyone who loves God's creation, combined with the excitement of the catch, will truly enjoy this yearlong guide of spiritual lessons for life.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781400319640

Media Type: Hardcover

Publisher: Nelson - Thomas - Inc.

Publication Date: 05-07-2012

Pages: 384

Product Dimensions: 4.10(w) x 6.10(h) x 0.70(d)

About the Author

Jimmy Houston, “America’s Favorite Fisherman,” has been fishing on national television since 1977. His fishing show, Jimmy Houston Outdoors, is one of the most widely viewed outdoors shows on the air and is consistently ranked as the #1 outdoors show on ESPN. A huge crowd favorite at bass tournaments and over 100 personal appearances a year, Jimmy represents most of American’s top outdoors related companies, such as Bass Pro Shops, Garmin, and Tracker Boats. In 2017, Jimmy was presented a Bass Pro Shop Angler of the Century award. Jimmy has written five books, including Hooked for Life, The Reel Line, Catch of the Day, and Caught Me a Big ’Un, which was a #1 selling fishing book. Jimmy has a growing presence on YouTube and Facebook with both his Jimmy Houston Outdoors channel and his Catch of the Day daily devotions channel. He is a deacon at Midway Hill Baptist Church near Sulphur, Oklahoma. Jimmy and his wife of over 57 years live in southern Oklahoma.

Read an Excerpt

Read an Excerpt

Catch of the Day

By Jimmy Houston

Thomas Nelson

Copyright © 2012 Jimmy Houston
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4003-1964-0

Chapter One

January 1

GENESIS 1:1 In the beginning God created the sky and the earth.

It's always exciting to begin something new like a new job, new house, new marriage, or a new family. New projects excite and energize me. I'm always excited about beginning a new tournament season where all the fishermen start out again at zero. I can't wait for the start of Major League Baseball or the first game of Oklahoma University football or basketball.

One tradition I started more than thirty-five years ago was to begin each January 1 and read the Bible through in a year. Now, I've completely read the Bible through more than thirty times, in addition to my other Bible reading and study. Start your very own tradition today. Five, ten, twenty years from now, you'll be amazed at what God wants to tell you on a daily basis.


Use the cold winter months to clean and organize all your tackle to get ready for that great spring fishin'.

January 2

GENESIS 1:27 So God created human beings in his image.

God could have made us look like anything He wanted. We could have looked like the space aliens we see on Star Trek or Men in Black. We could have looked like frogs, or fish, or anything else God chose. But He chose to pattern us after Himself. We are patterned after God—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We are not God, we are not perfect, but we are patterned to be that way.

The next time you have a pity party about how you look or feel, think about what God could have made you look like and how He could have made you feel. Then look in that mirror and smile. Look inside yourself and laugh; God patterned you and me after Himself!


Spool on new line at the start of every year and every four to six weeks during fishin' season.

January 3

PROVERBS 10:2 Riches gotten by doing wrong have no value, but right living will save you from death.

Fishing tournaments have brought out the very best and very worst in fishermen. While tournaments are incredibly fair and honest, cheating does creep in sometimes. Blatant cheating is usually discovered quickly, and cheaters are disqualified, generally banned for life. Unintentional rule breaking is punished by penalties, such as a weight penalty or loss of your catch for that day.

The most damaging cheaters are the ones who bend the rules for their own benefit and ill-gotten gain. These anglers are bending or breaking the rules with almost no chance of ever being caught. But those gains will never last. Opportunities for ill-gotten gain come into our lives all the time. While we may never be caught, our very life may depend on how we handle these temptations to cheat.


Bass are not very aggressive in cold water. Use slow-moving baits and be patient.

January 4

LUKE 12:34 Your heart will be where your treasure is.

Every fisherman has a favorite bait. For me, it's a Booyah spinnerbait for bass and a Road Runner for crappie. Single baits, but within each bait category is a wide variety of colors, sizes, and even different types of materials. I treasure these baits because I can have success in just about every situation.

If our treasure is Jesus, we have a God we can rely on in all of life's situations. If our thoughts are on Jesus, we become a better friend, coworker, husband, or wife. We also become more a likable, friendlier person even to strangers!


Slow rolling a white spinnerbait with a large Oklahoma blade works great for lethargic wintertime bass.

January 5

PSALM 31:24 All you who put your hope in the LORD be strong and brave.

Better fishermen do not hope for success or rely on luck in order to catch fish. They pin their hopes on facts, skills, knowledge, and experience. The more of these we have, the more fish we catch and the more consistent we become.

Similarly, the more we know and experience about Jesus, the better we will be at becoming the kind of person we want to be and God wants us to be. This doesn't happen overnight. It takes time to become a great fisherman. So be strong; it also takes time for God to mold us into the person we will become. The great part is that God allows us the opportunity to become better every day we stay close to Him.


Pork trailers on jigs and spinnerbaits work better than soft plastics in cold water.

January 6

MATTHEW 2 8 : 2 0 "I will be with you always, even until the end of this age."

Fishing is a sport most enjoyed with someone else. Sure, we can fish alone and have fun, but it is always more enjoyable with a friend or another member of your family. My closest fishin' partner is my wife, Chris. My most memorable days fishin' are not great tournament victories, but days spent with her or fishin' with my kids or grandkids.

God never intended for us to be alone. That's why He sent Jesus. That is why when we are saved, God places His Holy Spirit in us. No matter how isolated or alone we may feel at times, Jesus is always there. All we need to do is call on Him.


Vertical jig your Road Runners during the winter months to catch more crappie.

January 7

PROVERBS 10:22 The Lord's blessing brings wealth, and no sorrow comes with it.

The other day, I asked a guy in another boat, "I wonder what the poor people are doing today?" He answered, "They're fishing."

Fishing is one of those blessings from God that makes us rich, no matter what our bank account says. Too often, though, we dwell on the sorrows the devil throws at us rather than the blessings we have. This is exactly what the devil wants; he's working to ruin our day and our life.

As Christians and children of God, we cannot accept that. Today, write down ten or fifteen of the blessings God has placed in your life. Before you get halfway done, the devil will be hard-pressed to have a chance to ruin your day. By the way, this little trick will work again tomorrow.


Lighter line is more manageable in cold conditions and will get you more bites.

January 8

PSALM 86:5 Lord, you are kind and forgiving and have great love for those who call to you.

Fishermen since the beginning of time have been asking for help and advice on how to catch more fish. Jesus told Peter where to cast his net, and some of us today make our living telling others how to become better fishermen. I know people who have driven hundreds of miles to listen to a top tournament pro give a seminar. They do this just to be more successful on the water.

God is the ultimate expert, and He is ready and willing to answer our questions and to come to our aid. All we need to do is ask. But somehow—out of "macho-ness," lack of faith, or whatever—we'll not come to God and ask until it's the last resort. But if we'll get God involved in today's problems and concerns right now, we'll likely not need to use God as the last resort tomorrow.


Standing treetops often hold bass in clear water lakes throughout the winter months.

January 9

2 TIMOTHY 3:16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for showing people what is wrong in their lives, for correcting faults, and for teaching how to live right.

We're allowed three days to practice for a BASS (Bass Anglers Sportsman Society) tournament. Most competitors will tell you this is the time to locate the fish and to figure out what lures and tactics will work best in order to have success during the actual competition. Just as important, however, is learning the places where you cannot catch fish and what baits won't work!

When God's Word (the Bible) is read and spoken (preached), it lays out what God will do for us. It also directly focuses on problem areas in our lives. Open the Bible anywhere and start reading, God will soon tell you about changes you need to make to improve your life, and then He'll help you make those changes. God loves us so much, He wants to make us better every day.


Fish where muddy water and clear water are mixing together.

January 10

PSALM 14:2 The Lord looked down from heaven on all people.

We wear polarized sunglasses when fishing in order to be able to see down into the water. Polarization removes the glare from the surface and allows us to see a foot or two or even more into clear water. This is helpful. We can see stumps, rocks, logs, and other hiding places for the fish. We sometimes can even see the fish!

It's pretty awesome that God can see us all and yet focus on each of us individually. How would we treat our family, friends, or even perfect strangers if we knew God was there looking over our shoulders? Well, He is! Keep this in mind today when someone messes up your order at the drive-through, disappoints you, or cuts you off in traffic. Live today trying to please God ... you just might do it!


Remember to visit a heated fishing dock for a very comfortable wintertime crappie outing.

January 11

2 THESSALONIANS 1:11 That is why we always pray for you, asking our God to help you live the kind of life he called you to live.

Competition breed s prayer. I believe almost all tournament fishermen pray, even the non- Christians. Most of the time, when we pray, we're praying for our own glory. We're asking God to do something special, something supernatural for us.

Today, direct your energy into praying for someone else. Lift up your family, friends, pastor, and coworkers. Pray for that person at the drive-through window and even for your enemies or someone who has done you wrong. It's pretty difficult for me to pray for someone who has wronged me, but when I do, God creates some peace in my heart where before there was pain. Dedicate your prayers today to others, and your God will receive the glory.


Steeper banks will yield more fish during the cold winter months.

January 12

EXODUS 20:3 You must not have any other gods except me.

For many people, their passion about something becomes their religion. Fishing is one of those passions that can become almost a religious experience.

I don't know how many times I've heard someone talk about getting closer to God on the lake. Others tell me they can worship God better on the lake on Sunday than in church with a bunch of Christians who might be hypocrites. But when we do this, we're not worshiping God at all. We're making fishing our god. At the very least, we're guilty of worshiping God's creation. This is really the same as worshiping the moon or the stars. God commands us to assemble to worship Him and Him only!


A shad die-off in extremely cold weather will trigger good bass fishing.

January 13

JAMES 1:12 When people are tempted and still continue strong, they should be happy. After they have proved their faith, God will reward them with life forever.

"Why me, Lord?" How often have we all uttered these words in times of struggle or testing? I wonder sometimes on the lake how many things can go wrong. "If this is a test, Lord, I'd rather take a written one!" We can either react to these trials with frustration, anger, and even foul language, or we can react with patience. God promises to bless us when we patiently endure.

A day of fishing is seldom perfect, just like a day doing anything else is seldom perfect. How we handle those breakdowns, or tests, is what is important. We can be patient and be blessed, or we can blow it—and what does that really accomplish anyway?


Check the diameter of your fishing line. Different lines have different diameters, even in the same pound tests.

January 14

PSALM 33:7 He gathered the water of the sea into a heap. He made the great ocean stay in its place.

Lakeside views. Desktop fountains. Backyard ponds. Water captivates us all, and it is, of course, even more important to fishermen. We really can't help but have a love affair with water, but do we have that same fascination and love for the awesome God who created and controls that water?

When I look at a lake, river, or stream, I'm always reminded of how much God loves us to create something we enjoy so much. I also realize that God has set boundaries on how we are to live our lives. Those boundaries are for our own good. Living within God's boundaries not only pleases Him, it keeps us out of all sorts of calamities and sin.


Seek out the clearer water areas when water temperatures are low.

January 15

MARK 2:10 "But I will prove to you that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins."

Sometimes talk is big during practice rounds at bass tournaments. Even when fishermen fail to catch much on tournament day, they still brag about all the big ones they caught in practice. The real proof comes when they carry those bass to the weigh-in scales.

Jesus claimed authority to forgive sins. He backed this up by making the blind see, the lame walk, and the dead come back to life. He ultimately backed this up by His death on the cross and His resurrection three days later. He then walked among the living here on earth for forty more days. Jesus can and will forgive our sins if we ask Him. He will also carry us to that great weigh-in in heaven!


Slightly open up the hook on your spinnerbait for better hookups and fewer missed bass!

January 16

MARK 4:25 "Those who have understanding will be given more."

Without a doubt, knowledge and understanding are the keys to becoming a better fisherman. The fisherman who "knows it all" will very seldom develop into a consistent fish catcher. Those who are open to instruction and criticism will become champions.

We open ourselves up to God's teaching by praying consistently and then by receiving the ways God answers those prayers. If we're consistent in acting within what God says to do, we'll gain more understanding about Him and His direction for our lives. This direction will become evident to our family and friends, and it will even be seen by folks we don't know. Develop a daily, consistent prayer life, and your relationship with God and your understanding of Him will grow on a daily basis.


Fish always face into the current. Cast your bait upstream, and let it flow into the fish's position.

January 17

PSALM 37:3 Trust the Lord and do good.

I finished third in a BASS tournament on Lake Powell, Arizona. Fred Ward won, Larry Nixon was second, and we were all fishing 113 miles or so from takeoff and weigh-in. To travel 113 miles, one way, was putting a tremendous amount of trust in that big Mercury outboard. By placing trust in that motor, I did well. We all did well, and we prospered.

No matter what, we can't fail when we place our trust in the God who created us. We're not always going to prosper in everything we do. We will falter at times, but I know this: I have victory and safety and prosperity in Jesus, regardless of what might go wrong today. This trust in Him will carry me safely through.


After a cold front, try a white Marabou Road Runner with a fluorescent red head.

January 18

MATTHEW 13:41 "The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all who cause sin and all who do evil."

Ray Scott, the founder of the Bass Anglers Sportsman Society, has a great belief that angels have been a big part of his life and have played a major part in the startup and growth of BASS He believes God has sent humans as angels to assist him in times of need.

The Bible teaches of angels and promises that God will provide angels for the protection of His people. He will also use angels to do away with all the causes of sin. There will come a time when everything on earth will be made perfect. There will be no need for news reports that dwell on Earth's problems, because there will be no problems. This is the Good News for all who have Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.


Use translucent soft plastics in clear water. You can almost see through them.

January 19

PSALM 18:1 I love you, Lord. You are my strength.

Tournament bass fishing is a much more physical sport than most nontournament fishermen realize. Most of us do not carry a front seat in our boat, so we have to stand constantly while fishing. I do not eat or drink anything during competition hours. Tournaments also usually allow very little time for sleep. You need strength to endure. Whether or not you are a believer, your strength in every aspect of life comes from God. He has divinely made us to do almost miraculous things. No machine, robot, or even that Energizer Bunny® can keep going the way we can. Today, pay special attention to the physical abilities God has given you to just keep going and going. Thank Him for this, and give Him your praise and love.


Spray Reel Magic on your reels two or three times every day to give you more casting distance.


Excerpted from Catch of the Day by Jimmy Houston Copyright © 2012 by Jimmy Houston. Excerpted by permission of Thomas Nelson. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.


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