FREEDOM: The End of the Human Condition

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The fastest growing realization everywhere is that humanity can’t go on the way it is going. Indeed, the great fear is we’re entering endgame where we appear to have lost the race between self-destruction and self-discovery—the race to find the psychologically relieving understanding of our ‘good and evil’-afflicted human condition. WELL, ASTONISHING AS IT IS, THIS BOOK BY AUSTRALIAN BIOLOGIST JEREMY GRIFFITH PRESENTS THE 11TH HOUR BREAKTHROUGH BIOLOGICAL EXPLANATION OF THE HUMAN CONDITION NECESSARY FOR THE PSYCHOLOGICAL REHABILITATION AND TRANSFORMATION OF OUR SPECIES!

The culmination of 40 years of studying and writing about our species’ psychosis, FREEDOM delivers nothing less than the holy grail of insight we have needed to free ourselves from the human condition. It is, in short, as Professor Harry Prosen, a former president of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, asserts in his Introduction, ‘THE BOOK THAT SAVES THE WORLD!’.

Griffith has been able to venture right to the bottom of the dark depths of what it is to be human and return with the fully accountable, true explanation of our seemingly imperfect lives. At long last we have the redeeming and thus transforming understanding of human behaviour! And with that explanation found all the other great outstanding scientific mysteries about our existence are now also able to be truthfully explained—of the meaning of our existence, of the origin of our unconditionally selfless moral instincts, and of why we humans became conscious when other animals haven’t. Yes, the full story of life on Earth can finally be told—and all of these incredible breakthroughs and insights are presented here in this ‘greatest of all books’.
Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781741290288

Media Type: Paperback

Publisher: WTM Publishing & Communications Pty Ltd

Publication Date: 04-21-2016

Product Dimensions: 6.10(w) x 9.10(h) x 2.30(d)

About the Author

Jeremy Griffith is an Australian biologist who has dedicated his life to bringing fully accountable, biological understanding to the dilemma of the human condition—the underlying issue in all human life of our species’ extraordinary capacity for what has been called ‘good’ and ‘evil’. ‘Transform Your Life’ is a very short but powerful condensation by Jeremy of his definitive treatise of the human condition presented in his 2016 book ‘FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition’. Harry Prosen is a professor of psychiatry who has worked in the field for over 50 years, including chairing two departments of psychiatry and serving as president of the Canadian Psychiatric Association. Professor Prosen was recently appointed one of 500 Specially Selected Fellows of the American College of Psychiatrists, and a Distinguished Life Member of the American Psychiatric Association. He is also psychiatric consultant to the Bonobo Species Preservation Society.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Introduction Professor Harry Prosen 15

Chapter 1 Summary of the contents of FREEDOM 35

1.1 Freedom from the human condition 35

1.2 What exactly is the human condition? 37

1.3 A brief description of the human-race-transforming explanation of the human condition that is presented in FREEDOM 43

1.4 The problem of the ' deaf effect' that reading about the human condition initially causes 56

1.5 Solutions to the 'deaf effect' 60

Chapter 2 The Threat of Terminal Alienation from Science's Entrenched Denial of the Human Condition 65

2.1 Summary 65

2.2 The psychological event of 'Resignation' reveals our species' mortal fear of the human condition and thus how difficult it has been for scientists to make sense of human behavior 68

2.3 Our near total resistance to analysis of the human condition post-Resignation 78

2.4 How has science coped with the issue of the human condition? 87

2.5 The three fundamental truths of the human condition 93

2.6 Evidence of the three fundamental truths, as provided by Moses and Plato 95

2.7 Further evidence of the three fundamental truths 106

2.8 The ultimate paradox of the human condition 114

2.9 Social Darwinism 115

2.10 Sociobiology/Evolutionary Psychology 116

2.11 Multilevel Selection theory for eusociality 117

2.12 While denial has been necessary, you can't find the truth with lies 128

Chapter 3 The Human-Race-Transforming, Real Explanation of The Human Condition 137

3.1 Summary 137

3.2 We cannot endure being faced by the problem of the human condition forever 138

3.3 The psychosis-addressing-and-solving real explanation of the human condition 140

3.4 The Story of Adam Stork 144

3.5 The double and triple whammy involved in our human situation or condition 150

3.6 Adam and Eve-we humans -are heroes NOT villains 157

3.7 Our instinctive moral conscience has been 'A sharp accuser, but a helpless friend!' 165

3.8 Most wonderfully, this psychosis-addressing-and-solving. real explanation of the human condition makes possible the psychological rehabilitation of the human race 169

3.9 The end of politics 175

3.10 'Free at last!' 179

Chapter 4 The Meaning of Life 183

4.1 Summary 183

4.2 The obvious truth of the development of order of matter on Earth 184

4.3 'God' is our personification of Integrative Meaning 189

4.4 The denial-free history of the development of matter on Earth 199

4.5 Elaborating the sexually reproducing individual 207

4.6 Negative Entropy found a way to form the Specie Individual 212

Chapter 5 The Origin of Humans' Unconditionally Selfless, Altruistic, Moral Instinctive Self or Soul 213

5.1 Summary 213

5.2 How could humans have acquired their altruistic moral instincts? 214

5.3 The integration of sexually reproducing individuals to form the Specie Individual 216

5.4 Love-Indoctrination 219

5.5 Fossil evidence confirming the love-indoctrination process 223

5.6 Bonobos provide living evidence of the love-indoctrination process 232

5.7 The role of nurturing in our development has been an unbearably confronting truth 241

5.8 The emergence of consciousness assisted the love-indoctrination process by allowing the sexual selection of integrativeness 242

5.9 Sexual selection for integrativeness explains neoteny 248

5.10 The importance of nurturing in bonobo society 252

5.11 The importance of strong-willed females in developing integration 255

5.12 Descriptions of bonobos provide an extraordinary insight into what life for our human ancestors was like before the emergence of the human condition 258

5.13 Milwaukee County Zoo's fabulous group of bonobos 261

5.14 'Agolden race…formed on earth' 270

Chapter 6 End Play for The Human Race 277

6.1 Summary 277

6.2 The danger of denial becoming so entrenched that it locks humanity onto the path to terminal alienation 277

6.3 The nurturing origins of our moral soul is an obvious truth 280

6.4 The problem has been that the nurturing origin of our moral soul has been devastatingly, unbearably, excruciatingly condemning 287

6.5 To deny the importance of nurturing, the Social Intelligence Hypothesis was invented 293

6.6 Dismissing maternal love as training to manage complex social situations still left the extraordinarily cooperative lives of bonobos, and of our ape ancestors, to somehow be explained 300

6.7 Fossil evidence of our species' cooperative past has also been dismissed, ignored or misrepresented by mechanistic science 304

6.8 The Social Ecological Model 307

6.9 A brief history of left-wing dishonest mechanistic biology 312

6.10 The Self-Domestication Hypothesis 317

6.11 End play for the human race 324

6.12 The great obscenity 326

6.13 Nurturing now becomes a priority 358

Chapter 7 What is Consciousness, and Why, How and When Did Humans' Unique Conscious Mind Emerge? 361

7.1 Summary 361

7.2 What is consciousness? 362

7.3 Why, how and when did consciousness emerge in humans? 379

Chapter 8 The Greatest, Most Heroic Story Ever Told: Humanity's Journey from Ignorance to Enlightenment 401

8.1 Summary 401

8.2 The stages of humanity's maturation from ignorance to enlightenment 403

8.3 INFANCY 408


8.5 Early Happy, Innocent Childman 412

8.6 Middle Demonstrative Childman 413

8.7 Late Naughty Childman 417

8.8 Adolescence 424

8.9 Early Sobered Adolescentman 425

8.10 Distressed Adolescentman 428

8:11A Adventurous Adolescentman 444

8:11B Men and women's relationship after the emergence of the human condition 446

8:11C Other adjustments to life under the duress of the human condition that developed during the reign of Adventurous Adolescentman 489

8.12 Angry Adolescentman 506

8.13 Pseudo Idealistic Adolescentman 522

8.14 Hollow Adolescentman 534

8.15 The last 11,000 years and the rise of Imposed Discipline, Religion and other forms of Pseudo Idealism 539

8:16A The last 200 years when pseudo idealism takes humanity to the brink of terminal alienation 563

8:16B The emergence of terminal levels of alienation in the 'developed' world 566

8:16C The dire consequences of terminal levels of alienation destroying our ability to nurture our children 577

8:16D The dysfunctional, extremely narcissistic 'Power Addicted' state 597

8.16E The differences in alienation between 'races' (ethnic groups) of humans 610

8:16F The emergence of' materialism envy' and with it unbridled greed, extreme dysfunction and destitution in the 'developing' world 635

8:16G So it is end play wherever we look 639

8:16H The progression of ever-more dishonest and dangerous forms of pseudo idealism to cope with the unbearable levels of upset 642

8:16I Less Guilt Emphasizing Expressions of Religion 643

8:16J Non-Religious Pseudo Idealistic Causes 650

8:16K Socialism and Communism 651

8:16L The New Age Movement 652

8:16M The Feminist Movement 653

8:16N The Environmental or Green Movement 654

8:16O The Politically Correct Movement 654

8:16P The Postmodern Deconstructionist Movement 661

8:16Q The 'abomination that causes desolation' 'sign…of the end of the age' that is 'cut short' by the arrival of the liberating truth about the human condition 668

Chapter 9 The Transformation of The Human Race 687

9.1 Summary 687

9.2 The 'dawn…of our emancipation' 687

9.3 'Judgment day' 692

9.4 The Transformed Lifeforce Way of Living 697

9.5 The Transformed Lifeforce Way of Living is not another religion 704

9.6 Nor is the Transformed Lifeforce Way of Living another deluded, false start to a human-condition-free new world 706

9.7 But how does the Transformed Lifeforce Way of Living solve the problem of the unbearable, 'judgment day' exposure that understanding of the human condition unavoidably brings? 710

9.8 The utter magnificence of the Transformed Lifeforce State 719

9.9 How the Transformed Lifeforce Way of Living will quickly repair the world 730

9.10 Humanity's overall situation now that we have understanding 742

9.11 The 'pathway of the sun' 760

Index 789

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