Network Programming with Go: Code Secure and Reliable Network Services from Scratch

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Network Programming with Go teaches you how to write clean, secure network software with the programming language designed to make it seem easy.

Build simple, reliable, network software

Combining the best parts of many other programming languages, Go is fast, scalable, and designed for high-performance networking and multiprocessing. In other words, it’s perfect for network programming.

Network Programming with Go will help you leverage Go to write secure, readable, production-ready network code. In the early chapters, you’ll learn the basics of networking and traffic routing. Then you’ll put that knowledge to use as the book guides you through writing programs that communicate using TCP, UDP, and Unix sockets to ensure reliable data transmission.

As you progress, you’ll explore higher-level network protocols like HTTP and HTTP/2 and build applications that securely interact with servers, clients, and APIs over a network using TLS.

You'll also learn:
  • Internet Protocol basics, such as the structure of IPv4 and IPv6, multicasting, DNS, and network address translation
  • Methods of ensuring reliability in socket-level communications
  • Ways to use handlers, middleware, and multiplexers to build capable HTTP applications with minimal code
  • Tools for incorporating authentication and encryption into your applications using TLS
  • Methods to serialize data for storage or transmission in Go-friendly formats like JSON, Gob, XML, and protocol buffers
  • Ways of instrumenting your code to provide metrics about requests, errors, and more
  • Approaches for setting up your application to run in the cloud (and reasons why you might want to)

  • Network Programming with Go is all you’ll need to take advantage of Go’s built-in concurrency, rapid compiling, and rich standard library.

    Covers Go 1.15 (Backward compatible with Go 1.12 and higher)
    Product Details

    ISBN-13: 9781718500884

    Media Type: Paperback

    Publisher: No Starch Press

    Publication Date: 03-25-2021

    Pages: 392

    Product Dimensions: 6.90(w) x 9.20(h) x 1.20(d)

    About the Author

    Adam Woodbeck is a Senior Software Engineer at Barracuda Networks where he has implemented a distributed cloud environment in Go to supplant the previous cloud infrastructure, profoundly increasing its scalability and performance. Before his career in software engineering, Woodbeck spent time in the world of biomechanics and neurology, caring for patients as a chiropractor for nearly a decade. Adam relishes the opportunity to take a deep dive into interesting topics and distill that information into a digestible format for the benefit others.

    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents

    Acknowledgments xvii

    Introduction xix

    Who This Book Is For xx

    Installing Go xx

    Recommended Development Environments xxi

    What's in This Book xxi

    Part I Network Architecture 1

    1 An Overview of Networked Systems 3

    Choosing a Network Topology 3

    Bandwidth vs. Latency 6

    The Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model 7

    The Hierarchal Layers of the OSI Reference Model 8

    Sending Traffic by Using Data Encapsulation 10

    The TCP/IP Model 12

    The Application Layer 13

    The Transport Layer 14

    The Internet Layer 14

    The Link Layer 15

    What You've Learned 15

    2 Resource Location and Traffic Routing 17

    The Internet Protocol 18

    IPv4 Addressing 18

    Network and Host IDs 19

    Subdividing IPv4 Addresses into Subnets 20

    Ports and Socket Addresses 23

    Network Address Translation 24

    Unicasting, Multicasting, and Broadcasting 25

    Resolving the MAC Address to a Physical Network Connection 26

    IPv6 Addressing 26

    Writing IPv6 Addresses 26

    IPv6 Address Categories 28

    Advantages of IPv6 over IPv4 30

    The Internet Control Message Protocol 31

    Internet Traffic Routing 32

    Routing Protocols 33

    The Border Gateway Protocol 34

    Name and Address Resolution 34

    Domain Name Resource Records 35

    Multicast DNS 40

    Privacy and Security Considerations of DNS Queries 40

    What You've Learned 41

    Part II Socket-Level Programming 43

    3 Reliable Tcp Data Streams 45

    What Makes TCP Reliable? 46

    Working with TCP Sessions 46

    Establishing a Session with the TCP Handshake 47

    Acknowledging Receipt of Packets by Using Their Sequence Numbers 47

    Receive Buffers and Window Sizes 48

    Gracefully Terminating TCP Sessions 50

    Handling Less Graceful Terminations 51

    Establishing a TCP Connection by Using Go's Standard Library 51

    Binding, Listening for, and Accepting Connections 51

    Establishing a Connection with a Server 53

    Implementing Deadlines 62

    What You've Learned 71

    4 Sending Tcp Data 73

    Using the net. Conn Interface 74

    Sending and Receiving Data 74

    Reading Data into a Fixed Buffer 74

    Delimited Reading by Using a Scanner 76

    Dynamically Allocating the Buffer Size 79

    Handling Errors While Reading and Writing Data 86

    Creating Robust Network Applications by Using the io Package 87

    Proxying Data Between Connections 87

    Monitoring a Network Connection 93

    Pinging a Host in ICMP-Filtered Environments 96

    Exploring Go's TCPConn Object 98

    Controlling Keepalive Messages 99

    Handling Pending Data on Close 99

    Overriding Default Receive and Send Buffers 100

    Solving Common Go TCP Network Problems 101

    Zero Window Errors 101

    Sockets Stuck in the CLOSE_WAIT State 102

    What You've Learned 102

    5 Unreliable UDP Communication 105

    Using UDP: Simple and Unreliable 106

    Sending and Receiving UDP Data 107

    Using a UDP Echo Server 107

    Receiving Data from the Echo Server 109

    Every UDP Connection Is a Listener 110

    Using net. Conn in UDP 113

    Avoiding Fragmentation 115

    What You've Learned 117

    6 Ensuring UDP Reliability 119

    Reliable File Transfers Using TFTP 119

    TFTP Types 120

    Read Requests 121

    Data Packets 124

    Acknowledgments 128

    Handling Errors 129

    The TFTP Server 131

    Writing the Server Code 131

    Handling Read Requests 132

    Starting the Server 135

    Downloading Files over UDP 135

    What You've Learned 139

    7 Unix Domain Sockets 141

    What Are Unix Domain Sockets? 142

    Binding to Unix Domain Socket Files 143

    Changing a Socket File's Ownership and Permissions 143

    Understanding Unix Domain Socket Types 144

    Writing a Service That Authenticates Clients 154

    Requesting Peer Credentials 154

    Writing the Service 156

    Testing the Service with Netcat 159

    What You've Learned 160

    Part III Application-Level Programming 163

    8 Writing Http Clients 165

    Understanding the Basics of HTTP 166

    Uniform Resource Locators 166

    Client Resource Requests 167

    Server Responses 170

    From Request to Rendered Page 172

    Retrieving Web Resources in Go 173

    Using Go's Default HTTP Client 173

    Closing the Response Body 174

    Implementing Time-outs and Cancellations 176

    Disabling Persistent TCP Connections 178

    Posting Data over HTTP 179

    Posting JSON to a Web Server 179

    Posting a Multipart Form with Attached files 181

    What You've Learned 184

    9 Building HTTP Services 187

    The Anatomy of a Go HTTP Server 188

    Clients Don't Respect Your Time 191

    Adding TLS Support 192

    Handlers 193

    Test Your Handlers with httptest 195

    How You Write the Response Matters 196

    Any Type Can Be a Handler 198

    Injecting Dependencies into Handlers 200

    Middleware 202

    Timing Out Slow Clients 203

    Protecting Sensitive Files 204

    Multiplexers 207

    HTTP/2 Server Pushes 209

    Pushing Resources to the Client 210

    Don't Be Too Pushy 214

    What You've Learned 215

    10 Caddy: A Contemporary Web Server 217

    What Is Caddy? 218

    Let's Encrypt Integration 218

    How Does Caddy Fit into the Equation? 219

    Retrieving Caddy 219

    Downloading Caddy 219

    Building Caddy from Source Code 220

    Running and Configuring Caddy 220

    Modifying Caddy's Configuration in Real Time 222

    Storing the Configuration in a Fife 224

    Extending Caddy with Modules and Adapters 224

    Writing a Configuration Adapter 225

    Writing a Restrict Prefix Middleware Module 226

    Injecting Your Module into Caddy 231

    Reverse-Proxying Requests to a Backend Web Service 232

    Creating a Simple Backend Web Service 232

    Setting Up Caddy's Configuration 234

    Adding a Reverse-Proxy to Your Service 235

    Serving Static Files 236

    Checking Your Work 236

    Adding Automatic HTTPS 237

    What You've Learned 238

    11 Securing Communications With TLS 241

    Closer Look at Transport Layer Security 242

    Forward Secrecy 243

    In Certificate Authorities We Trust 243

    How to Compromise TLS 244

    Protecting Data in Transit 245

    Client-side TLS 245

    TLS over TCP 247

    Server-side TLS 249

    Certificate Pinning 252

    Mutual TLS Authentication 255

    Generating Certificates for Authentication 256

    Implementing Mutual TLS 259

    What You've Learned 265

    Part IV Service Architecture 267

    12 Data Serialization 269

    Serializing Objects 270

    JSON 276

    Gob 278

    Protocol Buffers 280

    Transmitting Serialized Objects 284

    Connecting Services with gRPC 284

    Creating a TLS-Enabled gRPC Server 286

    Creating a gRPC Client to Test the Server 289

    What You've Learned 294

    13 Logging and Metrics 295

    Event Logging 296

    The log Package 297

    Leveled Log Entries 300

    Structured Logging 301

    Scaling Up with Wide Event Logging 312

    Log Rotation with Lumberjack 315

    Instrumenting Your Code 316

    Setup 317

    Counters 317

    Gauges 318

    Histograms and Summaries 319

    Instrumenting a Basic HTTP Server 320

    What You've Learned 326

    14 Moving To the Cloud 329

    Laying Some Groundwork 330

    AWS Lambda 333

    Installing the AWS Command Line interface 333

    Configuring the CLI 333

    11 Creating a Role 335

    Defining an AWS Lambda Function 336

    Compiling, Packaging, and Deploying Your Function 339

    Testing Your AWS Lambda Function 340

    Google Cloud Functions 341

    Installing the Google Cloud Software Development Kit 341

    Initializing the Google Cloud SDK 341

    Enable Billing and Cloud Functions 342

    Defining a Cloud Function 342

    Deploying Your Cloud Function 344

    Testing Your Google Cloud Function 345

    Azure Functions 346

    Installing the Azure Command Line Interface 346

    Configuring the Azure CLI 347

    Installing Azure Functions Core Tools 347

    Creating a Custom Handler 348

    Defining a Custom Handler 349

    Locally Testing the Custom Handler 350

    Deploying the Custom Handler 351

    Testing the Custom Handler 353

    What You've Learned 353

    Index 355

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