Raising Rebels: Parenting Advice From the Girl Your Parents Warned You About

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Raising Rebels is a highlights reel of guidance from one of the world's most sought-after Peaceful Parenting and Radical Unschooling advocates.

Dayna Martin cuts to the core of common concepts with compassion, kindness, and unconventional wisdom, urging us to reframe outdated parenting perspectives to forge a freer future for our families.

Raising our children is the most revolutionary act we are likely to accomplish in our lifetime.

We need to reject the cultural norms of the society in which we live. We need to oppose, and therefore change, the way we view the purpose of parenting.

We need to be rebels, to raise rebels.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780648430322

Media Type: Paperback

Publisher: Turner Books

Publication Date: 01-27-2020

Pages: 270

Product Dimensions: 5.00(w) x 8.00(h) x 0.57(d)

About the Author

Dayna Martin is an activist, an educator, and the author of, 'Radical Unschooling', 'Sexy Birth', and 'Raising Rebels'. Dayna is a featured speaker at the major parenting and education conferences worldwide. She is also a peaceful parenting coach, doula, midwife, anarchist, raw vegan chef, and owner of the raw vegan business, Rawk Starz. She travels the world as the UnNanny, helping families change their lives by changing their parenting paradigm and bringing more peace and connection to their lives with their children. Dayna recorded and uploaded the very first video ever for YouTube about Unschooling and peaceful parenting. Dayna been featured on The Dr. Phil Show, CNN, Nightline, The Jeff Probst Show, Wife Swap, Fox News, 60 Minutes and the Bethenny Show. She was used as an informational resource for Unschooling stories on the Discovery Channel, The Today Show, Our America, and the Oprah Winfrey Show. Radical Unschooling is an evolution of our understanding about learning and the rights and respect of children. We are on the cusp of change and many people are looking for alternatives to the traditional schooling model. With Unschooling, we are reprioritizing. We are taking back our freedom and putting happiness, connection and family first! - Dayna Martin Nanci Nott is a mother/educator/author, who drinks too much coffee, and believes intrinsically motivated learning is the birthright of every human. Nanci loves persuading people to pursue their personal passions, and she adores alliteration.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Foreword by Nanci Nott

  1. How to be Grateful for Your Children’s Messes

  2. Trust the Intensity

  3. The Labyrinth of Unschooling

  4. See It Through

  5. The Evolution of Children’s Rights

  6. Truth Be Told: Radical Unschooling versus Permissive Parenting

  7. Practice What You Peacefully Preach

  8. Should Children Eat Whatever They Want?

  9. Without Freedom, Children Make Unhealthy Choices

  10. Arbitrary Rules: Absolute Risk

  11. Don’t Kill Your TV!

  12. UnWasted Food

  13. Love It Forward: Extending Radical Unschooling Philosophy

  14. What Really Spoils Children

  15. Unschoolers Have Bedtimes? 103

  16. Unschooling To End Math Phobia 105

  17. Can Peaceful Parenting End the Mean Girls Epidemic?

  18. Forced Memorization is Abuse

  19. Radical Unschooling and Sleep Struggles

  20. Your Children Don’t Want It

  21. Upgrade Your Parenting Vocabulary

  22. Learning Through Teaching

  23. Child Advocacy in Public

  24. Damn Unschoolers!

  25. Radical Unschooling Reading: The Long Hard Road To Trusting Your Children

  26. Why Unschooling Doesn’t ComeNaturally

  27. Radical Unschooling: The Gift Of Mindfulness

  28. Unschooling Music

  29. Unschooling and Self-Worth

  30. Math – Unschooling Style

  31. Unschooling Chores

  32. Unschooling Food Freedom

  33. Freedom Is Not Unparenting!

  34. List of What Not To Do When You Have a Baby

  35. I’m That Mom

  36. Cultural Evolution

  37. Raising Rebels: Your Thought for the Day

    Also by Dayna Martin

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