Writers on Organizations / Edition 6

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Long a best-seller, this eagerly awaited Sixth Edition offers an illuminating overview of the field of organization studies through the views of leading writers whose ideas are presently the subject of much interest and debate. Authors Derek S. Pugh and David J. Hickson do a masterful job of capturing the essence of each writer's contribution to the field-providing coverage of all the classic and cutting edge theories in management today.
Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781412941020

Media Type: Hardcover

Publisher: SAGE Publications

Publication Date: 01-09-2007

Pages: 216

Product Dimensions: 6.10(w) x 9.20(h) x 0.60(d)

About the Author

Derek S. Pugh is Emeritus Professor of International Manage­ment at the Open University, United Kingdom, having previously been at the Universities of Edinburgh and Aston, the London Business School, and the Open University Business School. He has been a visiting professor at business schools in France, Germany, Israel, and Italy and is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society, the Royal Statistical Society, the Italian Academy of Business Administration, and the International Acad­emy of Management. He has served as Chairman and Honorary Vice-President of the Association of Teachers of Management of the United Kingdom and as editor of the newsletter of the British Academy of Management. He is a founding Academician of the British Academy of Learned Societies for the Social Sciences, and an Honorary Fellow of the University of Northampton. Professor Pugh is joint author and editor of 12 books, including the first three volumes of the Aston research program: PUGH, D.S. (ed.) The Aston Programme, vols 1, 2 and 3, Ashgate(Dartmouth), 1998. His latest books are Great Writers on Organizations: The Second Omnibus Edition (2000, Dartmouth Publishing, with David J. Hickson), How to Get a Ph.D. (4th ed., 2005, Open University Press, with Estelle M. Phillips), Management Worldwide (enhanced ed., 2001, Penguin Books, with David J. Hickson), and Anglo-German Business Collaboration: Pitfalls and Potentials (1996, Macmillan, with Dagmar Ebster-Grosz). His edited volume Organization Theory: Selected Classic Readings (5th ed., Penguin Books) appears in 2007.David J. Hickson is Emeritus Professor of International Management and Organization at Bradford School of Management, England. His prin­cipal research interests are how societal culture affects managerial decision making in different nations and what influences the success of major decisions. His previous research has included processes of mana­gerial decision making, power in organizations, and bureaucratization. He was founding Editor-in-Chief of the international research journal Organization Studies; a founder of the European research association in his field, the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS); and a founding member of the British Academy of Management. He has held appointments in university business schools and research institutes in Canada, the United States, and the Netherlands, has an Honorary Ph.D. from the University of Umea in Sweden, and has lectured widely around the world. He has published numerous research journal papers and book chapters and is author or editor of eight books, most recently Management in Western Europe (1993, De Gruyter) and Management Worldwide: Distinctive Styles Amid Globalization ( enhanced ed, 2001, Penguin Books, with Derek S. Pugh). Prior to becoming an academic, David Hickson worked in financial administration and qualified profes­sionally as a chartered secretary and in personnel management.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Introduction to the Sixth Edition vii
The Structure of Organizations 1
Max Weber 4
Derek Pugh and the Aston Group, Including John Child and David Hickson 8
John Child 13
David Hickson 14
Lex Donaldson 17
Alfred D. Chandler 23
Oliver E. Williamson 28
Henry Mintzberg 32
Charles Handy 39
Stewart Clegg 44
Christopher Bartlett and Sumantra Ghoshal 49
The Organization in Its Environment 55
Tom Burns 57
Paul Lawrence and Jay Lorsch 61
Jeffrey Pfeffer and Gerald R. Salancik 66
Raymond E. Miles and Charles C. Snow 70
Michael T. Hannan and John Freeman 76
Geert Hofstede 80
Richard Whitley 88
Management and Decision Making in Organizations 95
Henri Fayol 97
Frederick W. Taylor 102
Peter F. Drucker 106
Michel Foucault 110
Herbert A. Simon 115
James G. March 118
Karl E. Weick 123
People inOrganizations 129
Elton Mayo and the Hawthorne Investigations 131
Rensis Likert and Douglas McGregor 135
Edgar H. Schein 140
Frederick Herzberg 144
Eric Trist and the Work of the Tavistock Institute 149
Rosabeth Moss Kanter 156
Organizational Change and Learning 163
Paul J. DiMaggio and Walter W. Powell 165
Andrew Pettigrew 169
Chris Argyris 175
Peter Senge 178
Kathleen M. Eisenhardt 182
Gareth Morgan 188
Index 195
About the Authors 201

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