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More Welcome Speeches: Responses for All Occasions

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A handy, inexpensive resource, More Welcome Speeches can be used by persons frequently or rarely asked to make welcome speeches. Sample speeches and responses are included which can also be used as a prototype for creating a welcome speech. More Welcome Speeches provides a quality resource for laypersons in the church. This volume will appeal especially to members of African American churches. In the African American community, welcoming speeches are important part of each program and service.) More Welcome Speeches: - Includes poetry, prayers, recitations, tributes, and installation services - Offers appropriate Scripture verses for special days - Provide samples speeches and responses that help the user create his or her own personal talks - Addresses many different occasions

ISBN-13: 9780687052981

Media Type: Paperback

Publisher: Abingdon Press

Publication Date: 04-01-1997

Pages: 64

Product Dimensions: 5.04(w) x 6.96(h) x 0.20(d)

Read an Excerpt

More Welcome Speeches and Responses for All Occasions

By Abington Press

Abingdon Press

Copyright © 1997 Abingdon Press
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-687-05298-1




Welcome to our church today. Today is a very special day. We are celebrating Children's Day, for we know God loves the little children, and we love having each of you here today. Having you here with us means so much, you are a part of us joined by God in love and faith. Welcome.


Today is Youth Sunday and I am delighted to extend the hand of friendship to every young person visiting here today. God is a welcome mat of all people. Don't worry about your religious experience, it makes no difference in your welcome here today. Your being here has made a difference in our church service. Welcome each of you.


Welcome to this special day of celebration, Mother's Day. As I look out over those assembled here today, I see many families gathered to honor their mothers. I see others wearing flowers that signify that their mothers are now living in the land beyond the river. And I see "Other Mothers." "Other Mothers" are those special women who invest their love and life into children through their work in the church, as schoolteachers, or as special friends to neighborhood children. They may be biological mothers, or they may not, but these "Other Mothers" are extremely important to us. On behalf of each family represented here today, I welcome you to this celebration.


As I think about all the women assembled here today, I am reminded of Eunice in the New Testament. We read about her in 2 Timothy. Eunice was not a great missionary, she did not start churches, she was neither an author nor an outstanding businesswoman. But she is exalted in the New Testament because, like our mothers and ?Other Mothers,? she passed on her faith to her child. In honor of Eunice and of all the women gathered here, I accept your words of welcome.





I am honored to have been asked to offer to you words of welcome on this special day, Father's Day. We especially welcome______ (list any visiting pastors or churches), and all fathers present. Throughout the Old and New Testaments we are reminded to honor our parents and as we do so today, we also thank God for all those men who, though not our biological fathers, have cared for us. We know that the Lord is at work in building this "house" because of the dedicated men who daily labor to bring about the Kingdom of God on earth. In the names of those men, and in the name of God, the parent of us all, I welcome you to this day of worship.


Thank you, (Sister/Brother)_______________, for those inspiring words. We are glad to be here to honor those men who nurture this church. On behalf of all gathered here and in the name of God, the parent of us all, I accept your welcome.





Honored guests________, and our graduates, I am delighted to have been chosen to extend our welcome to you. We have watched you grow from tiny babies to adults ready to take your place in our world. This church has been involved in your lives and we do not wish to end that involvement now. We will always be here, ready to encourage, to lend support, to uphold you with our prayers. The hope of our future is our children, and especially you, who we honor at this graduation celebration. Welcome.




In First Corinthians we read, ?When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became an [adult], I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known? (1 Cor. 13:11-12). I am honored to be able to respond to the words of welcome from (Sister/Brother) ___________________. I do know in part what our young people will soon be facing and I know how important it will be to them to have the love and support of their church. No matter our age, we are still children of the heavenly king, and in the name of that king I say, ?Thank you for having us here today.?





Honored guests_______________ (list), I am Deacon__________and it is my pleasure to welcome you here today to celebrate the ordination of ______________. As you know, deacons and pastors are called by God to be partners in ministry. No pastor alone can fulfill all the obligations and needs of the church; leadership, proclaiming the gospel, caring ministries. So into this partnership with God we also have deacons, ready to serve God and the church along side the pastor. Today we welcome you here for this celebration and we welcome _______________ into the divine partnership. We are all servants of the Living Lord, and it is in His name that I welcome you here today.




Thank you Deacon________for those inspiring words. I accept your welcome and on behalf of all those gathered here, I affirm our own partnership with the Living Lord. Thank you.





Honored guests, pastor (guest preacher), choirs (other special guests), and especially our pastor's family, I am happy to welcome you to this very special day in the life of our church. ________________ years ago the Lord blessed our congregation by sending to us his undershepherd, Pastor _______________.

In Romans the apostle says, How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And who shall they hear without a preacher? (Romans 10:14)

We are indeed fortunate that the Lord saw fit to send Pastor ______________ to preach the good news. Pastor _______________ is the Lord's representative here on earth.

The task of a preacher is not an easy one, and the responsibilities are large. For this reason, we also want to say a special word of appreciation to our pastor's family. Thank you.

Again, I say ?welcome? to you who have joined us today. May you leave here filled with the fruit of the spirit.




(Sister/Brother) _________, what beautiful words of welcome. Thank you. I am ______________ and have been chosen to respond to the welcome. We are honored to be here today to celebrate with you your years with one who so ably represents Christ in the affairs of the Kingdom on earth.





"Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands: Sing forth the honor of his name: make his praise glorious" (Psalm 66:1-2). Welcome honored guests (here list the guest preacher and choir, musicians, soloists, and visitors who are present. If charter members of any of choirs are present, they should be recognized), it is my privilege to welcome you to this day of praise. Today marks the_________year that the ____________choir has been making a joyful noise in honor of God's name. I bid you welcome in their name and in the hope that today will be a special blessing to you. Welcome.




Thank you for those words of welcome. Until we are gathered with the saints in glory, singing that wondrous story, we take great pleasure in singing the Lord's praises here on earth. It is indeed a privilege to join with all assembled here today to mark this anniversary and to lift our voices with yours.


Jesus said, "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven (Matthew 5:14-16).

We come together today to join in a common project. We want not only to relieve some of the suffering in our land and in the world, but through our actions to draw others to the lamb of God. It is my pleasure to welcome you here today. I see reflected in your faces, the light of the world. May we go forth from this place, and give light to all the world.


Welcome to this house of the Lord. We meet here today to celebrate God's love, poured out on all peoples. When God set the rainbow in the sky, it was a sign of the covenant God has established between God and all life on earth. We come today to re-affirm that covenant. It is in the name of Jesus, who unites us all, that I welcome you here today.

The Bible says, "The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children" (Romans 8:16). It is as a child of God and as your sibling that I welcome you to God's house today. If there is anything we can do to make this a more enjoyable experience for you, please ask. Welcome.



I'm so glad we can be together on this special holiday!

Pastor _________ is so glad you've come to hear what we have to say!

One thing is for certain, I have not one single doubt, Our __________ (type of play) will make you want to clap and shout!


I have a secret I want to share, I know how Pastor ___________ got from here (point to pew) to there (point to pulpit).

It all started up here in front of people like you.
Back then, he was just a little fella, barely more than two.
He stood up real tall and said his part;
That's when the Lord spoke to his heart.
I wonder what the Lord has for me?
I guess we'll all just have to wait and see!
So remember as you're watching our ____________ (type of play) play,
All our little lives are being molded like clay.
And when we cause you grief and frustration,
Remember (point up) we're carrying God's light to our generation!


I'm too little to drive a car,
That's what Mama and Daddy say.
But I'm not too little to
Welcome you to our ___________ (type of play) Play!


Children dressed in angel wings,
Recite lines and someone sings,
Mamas smile and Daddies grin,
As our Christmas play begins.
Sit back and let us warm your heart,
Our Christmas play's about to start!

(Hold up "Welcome" sign)


Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,
who is, who was and who is to come.
Let us praise and glorify him for ever.
You are worthy, Lord our God,
to receive praise and glory,
honor and blessing.
Let us praise and glorify him for ever.
Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive
divine power, wisdom and strength,
honor, glory and blessing.
Let us praise and glorify him for ever.
Bless the Lord
all your works of the Lord. Let us praise and glorify
him for ever.
Praise our God all you his servants,
honor him, you who fear God, small and great.
Let us praise and glorify him for ever.
Let heaven and earth praise your glory:
all creatures in heaven, on earth and under the earth,
the sea and everything in it.
Let us praise and glorify him for ever.

St. Francis of Assisi 1182-1226

Jesus asks, "What do you have that will last forever?" Will your home, your clothing, your treasures of silver and gold? Will your car, your fine linen and silk?"

"No," we hear the answer echoing down the ages.

"You can be sure of only one thing, the love I had for you when I died for you on Calvary's cross."

Almighty and most merciful God, who has given us a new commandment that we should love one another, give us all grace to fulfill it. Make us gentle, courteous, and forebearing. Direct our lives so that we may look to the good of others in word and deed. Hallow all our friendships by the blessing of thy Spirit, for the sake of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

Bishop Westcott 1825-1901


Does the world no rest afford?
Would you have your strength restored?
Cast your burden on the Lord,
Jesus will sustain you.

Are you tempted by the foe?
Has your burden laid you low?
To the one true Helper go,
Jesus will sustain you.

Are you weary of the fray?
Have you fallen by the way?
Make the Savior yours today,
Jesus will sustain you.

Jesus will sustain you,
Jesus will sustain you;
When you need a Friend to help you,
Jesus will sustain you.

James Rowe


Glory to God for the joy to meet,
Here at the hour of prayer;
Welcome the bliss of communion sweet,
Here at the hour of prayer.

Far from the world we may turn away,
Here at the hour of prayer;
Gladly we rest from the toils of the day,
Here at the hour of prayer.

Rich are the blessings that all may seek,
Here at the hour of prayer;
Grace for the weary, the faint, the weak,
Here at the hour of prayer.

O what a holy and calm repose,
Here at the hour of prayer;
Love in its fullness the heart o'er flows,
Here at the hour of prayer.

Nearer the gate to the soul's bright home,
Near the vales where the faithful roam,
Nearer to God and the Lamb we come,
Here at the hour of prayer.

Fanny J. Crosby


Fading away, like the stars of the morning,
Losing their light in the glorious sun;
So let me steal away, gently and lovingly,
Only remembered by what I have done.

So in the harvest, if others may gather
Sheaves from the fields that in spring I have sown;
Who plowed or sowed matters not to the reaper:
I'm only remembered by what I have done.

Fading away, like the stars of the morning,
So let my name be unhonored, unknown;
Here, or up yonder, I must be remembered,
Only remembered by what I have done.


The city streets of Easter, they heard his step, I know,
Through dusky, purpled pavements, past twinkling lights aglow,
For every gleaming blossom shop that opened to the night,
Was sweet with Easter fragrance and lilies tall and white.
The furred and broad-clothed people beneath the arc-lit skies,
Bore something new and tender and giving in their eyes;
Down every dingy alleyway rang children's laughter glad
And weary, work-worn faces smiled less wistfully and sad;
Each sooty, cinder-laden breeze seemed cleansed by robes of snow;
The city streets of Easter—they heard his step, I know.
The country roads of Easter, they felt his footsteps pass;
They watched through greening meadows the windless, stirring grass;
The buds broke into leaf mist along the poplared hill;
the bluebirds rippled homing note, the red-winged black-bird's thrill,
The first lone thrush note, silver soft through hemlock boughs astart,
Held sudden joy so piercing sweet it brushed the naked heart;
And down the roadway's southern banks from brown, earth-scented sod,
There blossomed frail white bloodroot star,
Like fingerprints of God;
Each tiny hill-farm window shone with sunset-gloried glass;
The country roads of Easter, they felt his footsteps pass.
But oh, the pathways of my heart, they knew Him most of all!
They saw no jeweled city lights, they heard no bluebird's call.
But sudden-sweet as lily breath through winter dusk I knew
That Death was but the gathered dreams of Life and Love come true;
That never faith went unfulfilled, that never hope was vain,
That never hands are parted but will grip with hand again—
One passed in the dawning, and all the road He went
Was bright with Easter sunshine, and sweet with lily scent;
Oh, roads of dew-fresh morning, or city evenfall,
My heart's small hidden pathways,
They knew Him most of all.

Martha Haskell Clark

Who hath not learned, in hours of faith,
The truth to flesh and sense unknown,
That Life is ever lord of Death,
And Love can never lose its own!

John Greenleaf Whittier


Excerpted from More Welcome Speeches and Responses for All Occasions by Abington Press. Copyright © 1997 Abingdon Press. Excerpted by permission of Abingdon Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.


Table of Contents


Some General Words of Welcome,
Welcome Speeches and Responses,
for Specific Occasions,
Children's Day,
Youth Sunday,
Mother's Day,
Father's Day,
Graduate Recognition Day,
Deacon Ordination,
Pastor Anniversary/Appreciation,
Choir Day,
For Christian Unity,
Welcome Speeches Given by Children,
So Glad,
A Secret,
Too Little,
About to Start,
Poetry and Prayers,