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Out of Your Hands: What Palmistry Reveals About Your Personality and Destiny

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Out of Your Hands provides a complete guide to deciphering all aspects of the hand: its shape, palmar lines, and fingerprints. Beleta not only provides practical interpretations such as personality traits and relationship prospects but also discusses the markings on the hand that provide mystic insights.

When you look at the lines on someone's hand, you are looking at that person's journey of life and the map of their character and fate. Although palmistry is considered a science and each line on the palm represents a certain meaning, it is also known to be another channel for psychics to gain information, because touching or feeling the hand brings a vibration to the clairvoyant and thus becomes a form of psychometry.

By understanding the markings on the hands, you will gain insight into personality traits, as well an understanding of a possible destiny. The insights gained though palmistry can improve your life and your chances of future happiness.

ISBN-13: 9781642970005

Media Type: Paperback

Publisher: Hampton Roads Publishing Company - Inc.

Publication Date: 08-01-2019

Pages: 160

Product Dimensions: 5.90(w) x 8.90(h) x 0.60(d)

Beleta is a much sought-after palmist and clairvoyant who has been practicing her skills for the past 35 years. She teaches both Western and Vedic palmistry and has built up an established clientele. She has also created courses with her daughter, Leanna Greenaway, in tarot and white magic and is the founder of the Psychic Study Centre. Visit her website at

Read an Excerpt


Reading the Map of Life

Since the beginning of human history, the hand has enthralled and captivated all cultures and races. In addition to the Indians, the Chinese, Greeks and Persians were among the first civilizations openly to practice the art of Chirology, while the Egyptians were also known to have an avid interest in it, often combining palmistry with astrology. Judging by the number of painted hand pictures found in prehistoric caves, especially in France, Spain, and Australia, it's apparent that some form of hand reading has been around since the beginning of time.

Chirology is another name for palmistry, or a study of the hands, and it probably originated in the Indian subcontinent; there are texts in Indian museums that go back over 5,000 years. However, written evidence doesn't always survive, so there may have been earlier texts than these, and an oral tradition that goes back even further.

The chances are that palmistry, along with many other esoteric skills, moved westward as a result of the Crusades, which brought Westerners into close contact with Eastern countries and peoples. Later, palmistry became associated with gypsies and then fortune tellers.

Nomadic wanderers have brought their knowledge to many parts of Europe over the last three hundred years, and the old saying "cross my palm with silver" is quite probably the origin of paying for a reading.

As mentioned, there are references to palmistry in many ancient books ranging from the Bible to the Brahmanic Vedas and the Torah.

Sadly, palmistry was forced to go underground by the Catholic Church, which labelled the craft as the work of the devil. Those who were found to be practicing chiromancy were in danger of being murdered and disposed of secretly. Despite this, man's fascination with the hand flourished, and today, all over the world, there are people who still use this magical art, with many more eager to learn the skills.

The Journey of Life

Every time you look at the lines on someone's hand, you are looking at that person's journey of life and the map of their character and fate. Although palmistry is considered a science and each line on the palm represents a certain meaning, it is also known to be another channel for psychics to gain information, because touching or feeling the hand brings a vibration to the clairvoyant and thus becomes a form of psychometry. A true clairvoyant will be able to tune into the psychic vibration of their client (sometimes called the "Querent") when performing hand analysis, thus benefiting from both psychic and scientific aspects. Sometimes an initial letter will be clearly seen on the hand, and this can represent someone very important with that initial in their name, due to come into the life of the seeker. It could be a lover, a child, or a member of the seeker's family or friends. A house or an image might suddenly appear on the palm to give the palmist extra help in defining what is going on in that person's life. Another time, you might delve into the same hand and find that particular information has gone, which means the situation has passed.

Once, I was browsing the hand of a new client and saw the image of a tepee. I asked him if he had recently been to a North American Indian reservation. His head shot up in amazement as he had just returned from one the week before.

The Romany gypsies believe that the left hand is what God has given you and the right hand is what you do with the potential. In their readings, many modern chirologists will tell you that the left hand represents the past and that it can hold karmic knowledge of previous lives, while the right hand holds knowledge of the future. Of course, this assumes the person is right-handed, because, if the person is left handed, the process is reversed.

Those who might want to become palmists will find the following lists helpful:

The Ten Do's and Don'ts of Palmistry

Do ...

1. Find a calm and peaceful room for the consultation.

2. Set the mood by burning oil or incense of lavender or poppy "opium." These two fragrances can enhance psychic ability and create a peaceful ambiance.

3. Ensure that the readings are on a oneto-one basis.

4. Have a lamp or small spotlight on the table to illuminate gloomy days.

5. Purchase a good magnifying glass to see tiny lines. Some have a light included.

6. You might wish to have your favorite crystal nearby on the table.

7. Remember your client is the most important person during their reading.

8. Practice on friends and family, inking their handprints to study. A good photocopy of their hand can be helpful if you want to avoid the mess of the ink.

9. Wash your hands before and after every consultation. You may prefer a medical hand gel. You might find that each person will have his or her own special vibration or energy, and with practice, you could link into this.

10. Turn off all telephones and try not to interrupt the reading, as that stems the flow.

Don't ...

1. Have radios or TVs playing in the room that you work in while you're giving a consultation.

2. Have children or pets running around when working.

3. Make any hair-raising predictions.

4. Become a "party piece." People will love to ask you to dinner and bombard you with questions. I once arrived to have dinner with a new "friend" and found she had invited four of her friends as well, and I was the unwitting entertainment for the evening!

5. Be put off about making a recording of your reading for a client. Many get comfort from them, but others have bad memories.

6. NEVER read for a strange man if you are a female and if you are alone in the house. You might be asking for trouble. A few years ago, I did a full hour reading for a young man who sat in captivated silence. After the reading, he pounced on me! Luckily, I manage to throw him out on the street. It is best to ask a friend or a family member to be around if needed.

7. Discuss your private life with your client. This is extremely unprofessional and could add weight to their burdens, as well as making you vulnerable to con artists.

8. Ever divulge information from other people's readings. Every reading must be in complete and utter confidence. Remember, you will hold many secrets and often will read for large families, celebrities, and folk in all professional walks of life.

9. Be fazed by the variety of clientele you may meet, and be prepared to be flexible in your outlook. Treat everyone equally.

10. Ever discuss or criticize other well-known clairvoyants to your clients. This is extremely unprofessional. Many people visit many different psychics for fun and entertainment, and you can bet your life that anything you say will be repeated.

However, after all of the do's and don'ts, do remember to enjoy your newfound hobby or career.

Vocabulary Reminders

Chirology is: Palmistry

Palmistry is: The technique of reading hands

Chirognomy is: The study of hand shapes, finger formations, and the textures of the skin

Chiromancy is: Reading the lines on the palms

Tools of the Trade

Large Magnifying Glass

Buy the largest one you can find and ensure that it is good quality. There are some nice ones with battery lighting attached that will help to make the lines even more visible, especially on dimly lit days or dark evenings. If possible, keep it stored in a velvet pouch or bag when not in use, because the glass can easily become scratched. Keep a soft cloth in the bag to polish the glass every now and again.

Small Halogen Lamp

I find this useful when doing evening party readings, or you might prefer a small flashlight.

Fine Pens

There are times when you will want to point out clearly a line or mark on your client's hand, so a fine pointed, felt tipped pen can be used to trace the lines.

Taking Prints

You will need the following items:

• A tube of water-based printing ink. The usual color to use is black, but you may prefer another dark color. As a last resort, you can use a dark lipstick to cover the hands. It is messy, but can have excellent results if you're careful not to smudge the print. I have seen other palmists use acrylic paint quite successfully, too.

• An old plate, tray, or tile for spreading the ink out evenly.

• A small roller, a small sponge paint roller, or a cosmetic sponge.

• White paper or thin card stock.

• Paper towel or newspaper.

The Method

Place the white paper or card stock onto a paper towel or some newspaper. Squeeze a small amount of ink onto the plate and roll it until you get a good flat consistency on the roller. Roll the ink onto the palm, fingers, and thumb, making sure the wrist area (rascettes) are also inked, because they hold vital information. A cosmetic sponge can be used to dab the hand all over to make the ink even. You may wish to take several prints for each client, with some showing one area of the hand and others showing different areas.

Place the client's hand centrally on the paper and gently press down on each finger, putting light pressure on the phalanges. Try not to smudge or smear the print, as you will need it as clean as possible. Next press the inner palm down firmly, and also use the same procedure for the rascettes. If the palm is very hollow, take a folded square of paper towel and place it under the portion of paper covering the hollow part of the palm.

To get a good print of the rascettes, gently lift the fingers and palm up, ask your client slowly to roll the wrist from side to side to cover all of the lines. You might decide to do the rascettes independently on a separate piece of paper. Ink the percussion (the side of the hand opposite the thumb) up to the top edge of the Mercury finger and gently roll this area from side to side on the paper to get full coverage. It is a good idea to do the fingerprints separately as well as the full print.

When you have a full set of hand prints completed, draw carefully around the fingers and hand shape with a medium felttipped pen, name and date it and leave it to dry for about an hour. It is a good idea to photocopy the print as a back up. Placing it in a plastic folder will protect it from any harm.

If you decide not to have an ink print and prefer a photocopy print, make sure you don't press the hand down too hard in the photocopier, as you will get white, featureless marks. You might find you need help to get your own print done and make sure you also copy the back of the hand to see the nails as they offer a great deal of information on health issues. Many palmists will use color photocopying as well as the traditional black and white.


Hand Shape

Begin by looking at the hand overall, and start by noting the shape of the hand. There are four major hand shapes:

• Air

• Earth

• Fire

• Water

Novice palmists often become mystified when they try to match the hand shape with the birth sign of the individual because it doesn't always follow. For instance, I was born under the sign of Aquarius, which is an air sign, but I have a fire hand. My advice when judging personalities from palm readings is to concentrate solely on the hand shape as this seems to be the most accurate.

The Air Hand — the Philosophical Hand

The palm is square and a little shorter than the fingers. There will be plenty of lines present in the palm. The skin texture is usually smooth and firm.


Air palm people love company, so socializing will be at the top of their agenda. They have many different types of friends and they can change like a chameleon to accommodate them all. They are deep thinking intellectuals who love animals and who want to put right the injustices of the world. You might find them working for good causes that will help mankind. These individuals have methodical and tidy minds, but this isn't always reflected in the way they keep their home or offices. They love detail, delight in research and history, and their intellect is usually superior to others. As their nature is all about reflection and deliberation, they won't be rushed into anything.

In love

The air hand person will want lots of communication from their partner as well as sex. Although their libido is quite high, friendship will be more important in the long run.

Negative traits

At times these types will be opinionated and nitpick about everything. Because they are so critical and can be scathing, they are hard to live with. They often have a chip on their shoulders. Sometimes they can be cold and calculating and will often play mind games.

The Earth Hand — the Practical Hand

The palm is square, with stocky fingers and a firm skin texture. The palm and fingers are both short. As a rule there will be fewer lines on this type of hand than the other types.


Earth hand people are dependable, stoic, and hard working, and their feet are planted firmly on the ground. If they are in repetitive work, they won't mind too much and they will put in lots of effort. They have a truly honest personality and believe in fair play. If I were to employ someone, then this type of hand would be the one I would choose because its owner will be very conscientious in all they do. The earth hand person will love to be out of doors; they often grow their own vegetables and have a sense of pride in providing for the family. When they retire, many seek solitude in the country and perhaps will own a farm with chickens, ducks, and geese. They also love cats and dogs, so they could end up with a bit of a menagerie.

In love

Earth hand owners are romantic. They love sex and won't have many inhibitions. They adore food, soft lights and drawn curtains, a fine bottle of wine, and a good film on the television. If they can cuddle up with their chosen companion for the evening, they will be perfectly happy and content.

Negative traits

These people are stubborn and can be ill at ease or gauche in company. Some are often tongue-tied and shy. If their mind is fixed on something, then they will be blinded to all persuasion, especially if the thumb is broad and stout.

The Fire Hand — the Artistic Hand

The palm should be considerably longer than the fingers, and there will be plenty of lines on the palm. Often the color will be slightly rosier than other hand types and the hand will be warm to the touch. A good fire hand will have a bold Mount of Venus and a strong Mars Mount.


These people are on the ball and are good judges of character. They live for the moment and gain what they can as it comes along. Fire hands are psychic and can read minds, so you need to guard your thoughts from them. Their motto is carpe diem ... seize the day.

Owners of this hand are usually very active types who love excitement and action. Fun loving and enthusiastic, they enjoy exploring. They will prefer to be the boss and will frequently run their own businesses. The fire hand types will be artistic and warm hearted and will rely on their intuition.

In love

When in love, fire hand people can be ardent and have a high libido. In the bedroom, they can be inventive and will find sex toys and saucy videos a hoot. The male owner of a fire hand will often laugh his lady into bed. Before getting married, they will have quite a few partners, but when they settle down they will be very loyal.

Negative traits

Fire hands can be noisy and rush from one thing to another, expending their energies on trivia. As they can sometimes be overbearing and attention-seeking, they lack real friendships and often end up lonely.

The Water Hand — the Psychic Hand

The palm is long, as are the fingers. Some say this is the most psychic of all hands. There will be myriad lines in the palm, which can be a nightmare for the palmist when trying to analyze it.


Water hand owners are dreamy, mysterious and psychic. The phases of the Moon can affect them and the moon mount will be well developed on this type of hand. The Neptune mount should be rounded, too. Water hands show good creative abilities and these people make wonderful friends and great parents.

In love

As they are dreamy, they will love the formality of courtship, poetry, and long romantic walks in the countryside. Secret trysts and romantic letters appeal to them. Often they are too romantic and vulnerable. Their high ideals will often come crashing around them, ultimately causing heartbreak.

Negative traits

Water hands can be possessive, manipulative, and revengeful. They never forget past hurts. Indeed they never forget anything!

Mixed Hands

Often one will come across a hand that does not fit into the four categories. The left hand might be fire and the right hand might be earth. If the person is right-handed, then you should use the character in the left hand for the past personality and the right hand for the future development. Sometimes the hand shapes vary so much that no decision can be made, and you will have to look at other factors on the palm to help you. In time, experience will give you a feel for what is right.


This character will be multi-talented, a jack-of-all-trades and they will most likely have several careers. They can be witty, quick thinking, and very astute.


Excerpted from "Out of Your Hands"
by .
Copyright © 2019 Beleta Greenaway.
Excerpted by permission of Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc..
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.


Table of Contents

Part 1 Palmistry Basics

1 Reading the Map of Life 3

2 Hand Shape 9

3 The Sections of the Hand 16

Part 2 Hand Topography

4 The Knuckles 25

5 The Mounts 28

Part 3 The Lines of the Hand

6 Major Lines 39

7 The Minor Lines 63

Part 4 The Fingers

8 The Phalanges 75

9 Reading the Fingers 79

10 Inclination 94

11 Fingertips 97

12 Fingerprints 103

13 Fingernails 108

14 The Thumb-Venus on the Hand 118

Part 5 Special Markings

15 Palmar Loops 125

16 The Rascettes 128

17 The Mouse 131

18 Mystic Markings 133

Part 6 Out of Your Hands

19 Relationship Styles 141

20 Spiritual and Psychic Palmistry 147

21 Health and Hand Textures 151