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The Value in the Valley: A Black Woman's Guide Through Life's Dilemmas

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“The most powerful spiritual healer, fixer, teacher on the planet.” —Oprah Winfrey

Is it the job you hate but need in order to pay the rent? Is it that relationship that you gave your all to only to end up with a broken heart...again? Perhaps it's your children, a family member, or a life-long friend doing you in, dragging you down, pushing you to the brink. If you are an honorary member of the Black Woman's Suffering Society, you have probably been told that it's all your fault. Or that struggling and suffering is your lot in life. Iyanla Vanzant says, No! Life is an Act of Faith and suffering is optional! Those everyday challenges, obstacles, and dilemmas are what Iyanla calls "valleys." As bad as they may seem, there is a purpose or, as Iyanla says, "There is so much value in the valley."

If you've ever been disappointed, betrayed, rejected, abandoned, or just plain old scared to let go, then you've been or may still be in a valley. Iyanla knows—she's been there and on a bad day she's still there, but now she shares the way out with you.

ISBN-13: 9780684824758

Media Type: Paperback

Publisher: Atria Books

Publication Date: 11-07-1996

Pages: 320

Product Dimensions: 5.50(w) x 8.44(h) x 0.70(d)

Iyanla Vanzant is one of the country’s most celebrated writers and public speakers, and she’s among the most influential, socially engaged, and acclaimed spiritual life coaches of our time. She is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of seventeen books which have been translated into twenty-three languages, and the host and executive producer of the award-winning breakout hit Iyanla: Fix My Life, the #1 reality show on OWN, the Oprah Winfrey Network. As Founder of Inner Visions World Wide, Iyanla is actively engaged in personal development courses and on-going training programs for spiritual life coaches, and ordained ministers at Inner Visions Institute for Spiritual Development.

Read an Excerpt

Chapter 1

The Anatomy of the Valley

It was not unusual for the telephone to ring at eight-thirty in the morning. And it was only slightly unusual for her to be calling him there. Although she worked for him, it was evident by her tone of voice that this call was about something more than business. Two hours into their conversation, she wanted to speak to Ann. The moment the conversation began, Ann knew she was headed for a valley. She could not, however, figure out which one. By the time all three of them were on the telephone, it was clear: Ann was being cut up into tiny little pieces. Those pieces were being strewn across all the valleys at once.

"There is value in the valley," is what Black women must remember when we find ourselves in those tight spots, dark places, uncomfortable situations, we think make our lives so miserable. Whether we accidentally fall into a valley or are shoved in headfirst, the question we must ask ourselves is, "What is the lesson here?" What is the lesson to be learned from those situations we do not like or want to be in? The first thing we must do is realize that difficulties in life are always educational. Art may be easier than history. Gym is usually more fun than math. There is, however, something valuable to be gained from every subject and situation we face if we want to graduate to a higher level of living. Of course, in every class, there is also the issue of passing or failing.

Ann listened intently as the woman on the other end of the telephone recounted the sordid details of her two-year relationship with Ann's mate of one year. With her head in the Valley of Understanding and both feet in the Valley of Courage, Ann had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach that she was on the brink of failure. With a steady hand and unblinking eyes, holding the telephone away from her ear, she quietly demanded of him, "How could you do this to me?" Wrong move! It put her heart in the Valley of O.P.P. and her hands in the Valley of Comeuppance. As fear of failure welled up in her mind, promising to overtake her, Ann had to fight back the tears. He was lying across the bed with his head in his hands. Each time he looked up, it was as if he were seeing a ghost. A big Black ghost. A ghost with one hand on her hip and a frying pan in the other. Ann took a deep breath and braced herself to spend the rest of her days in the dunce corner.

Those dark conditions and difficult situations are like valleys because we get there when we lose our footing. We fall down only to find ourselves alone in a physically, mentally, or emotionally uncomfortable place. Valleys look dark and feel dangerous because there never seems to be anyone around who can help you get up. A fall into a valley means you are in some kind of pain. Throbbing head, broken heart, fractured ego, you are trying to figure out what happened; how you got into this mess and how you can get out of it, fast. The pain intensifies as you remember the details of your plight. You imagine all of the possible, plausible, and horrible outcomes. Now you panic. Actually, you feel frantic as you mentally construct your ultimate and looming destruction. It is pure drama, and as Black women, we do it so well.

When we are confronted by a situation we know we must face but would rather not, we shift into high-gear fear — fear of failure, rejection, the unknown, and the ultimate fear, the fear of being wrong. No one wants to be wrong. For Black women, many of whom believe they have been overlooked, misrepresented, and objectified by major portions of the population, the fear of being wrong sends the brain into overload. Black women will go to any lengths to avoid being wrong. The fear of being wrong forces us to shut down. We shut our eyes, ears, and ultimately, our hearts. If the situation is critical, very important, or dear to us, we may be frightened enough to shut our mouths. A Black woman in fear, with a numb heart and a shut mouth, is a woman in pain.

He finally spoke to her: "I told you it was over!"

"No, you didn't! You told me we would work it out! Then you kissed me and we made love!"

Ann was able to part her lips: "You kissed her?"

There was total silence. They had all stopped breathing.

"You kissed her! Now just a hog-slopping minute! Are you telling me that you are sleeping with this woman after you told me you weren't?"

Ear-piercing silence. Somehow, in all the drama, Ann had missed the fact that they were still seeing each other. This was quickly changing from a valley to a dungeon. The dungeon of clarity. Then she spoke:

"Why don't you answer her?"

"Are you sleeping with this woman?" Ann had shifted out of fear into indignation.

Meekly he answered, "Yes."

That was the final push. Ann fell fiat on her face into the Valley of Knowledge and Wisdom.

It is hard to think when you are in pain. As you frantically anticipate your destruction, which is sure to result when you confront your greatest fear, pain seeps into every fiber of your being. The fear of making a mistake, of being wrong, descends over you like a cloud. We are not talking here about the kind of pain Midol, Anacin, or extra-strength Excedrin can relieve. We are talking about the pain of having your entire existence threatened. The pain of having what you want, need, and love, invalidated or taken away. You picked the wrong one, again. You did not do it right, again. You are in trouble, again. As a result, your head hurts. Your heart is bleeding. You want to think, but the pain is overwhelming. Sound familiar? I thought so!

When We Think We Are Wrong!

When Black women are wrong, we are not only wrong in and of ourselves, we are wrong for our mothers and our greatest grandmother. It is a genetic wrongness which aches down to the bone. The wrongness of Black women has been studied by physiologists, analyzed by psychologists, proven plausible by genealogists, even become the topic of debate at senatorial hearings. A wrong Black woman might as well be a dead one. The mind is dead. The heart is dying. If something is not done quickly to reconcile the feelings of wrongness, the spirit will die. But wait! Isn't being wrong one of the best ways to get your face on television? Never mind that — we cannot, will not, go down without a fight! On the way to dying, we have to be angry and hateful because we are wrong and have failed. We strike out at, speak out against, those things and people who "made us" wrong, helped us fail. It is all so wonderfully dramatic. For many angry, wrong Black women, failure means your lifeless body must be ceremonially laid to rest in the Valley of Nonresistance, which gives you exactly the excuse you need to buy that new dress.

Ann decided on the spot, "I will not fail! I am not going to be wrong! I will not fail this test!" In her best monotone, Ann explained she had had no idea that he was still intimately involved with her. Ann had to admit she knew the woman worked in one of his businesses. She also knew they shared an apartment when he was in that state. Ann knew he kept a few of his clothes in that apartment. Ann also knew that he lived, conducted most of his business and spent the majority of his time in another state. Ann knew because she called him there and visited him there. To the best of Ann's knowledge he was in the same state with her one day a month. She politely informed Ann that he came home at least two days every month.

"What kind of relationship is that?"

A good one, she thought. "He had promised me..."

"Well, look," Ann said, "I'm outa here. You've got this! You can finish your conversation with him while he gets ready to get out of my house."

When you find yourself in a valley, the best approach is to surrender control. This does not mean you are giving up hopelessly, admitting defeat in anticipation of destruction. That is drama. Surrender is another story altogether. Surrender means you do not fight or struggle against whatever you are facing. It simply means, sit down, shut up, and listen! Be still until your mind is clear and you truly understand where you are, how you got there, and most important, how you can get out without struggle. Difficult situations such as valleys help us grow because they nudge us into a position where we must confront the things we need to know but hate to admit about ourselves.

The valleys also help us understand how we create the greatest, most damaging thrust of the downward plunge into bad situations. In those rare instances when we do not create our own trouble, our dramatic response to trouble creates more difficulty than the actual situation. Every Black woman knows at least one drama queen. These are sisters, friends, mothers, who are forever clutching their bosoms as they declare how horrible, awful, terrible, whatever it is, is. In response to their hysteria, we go into action doing whatever it is we do. In most cases, it is our consistent, conditioned responses to challenges and difficulties, based on past experiences, which send us directly into a valley experience.

In the valley, we are confronted by all of our past experiences, perceptions, and judgments of ourselves and others. The valley is the place we have stored thoughts and feelings, a sort of garbage dump we must wade through in order to move beyond the fear and limitation we now face. We Black women may tell ourselves that when something is over, it is over. Yet there is a part of us which loves to hold on to tidbits of information, believing they might be useful at some point in the future. Experiences which have caused us pain, fear, anger, or disappointment become our greatest enemies when we hold on to them. If we use these historical tidbits as the barometer by which we gauge the present situations in our lives, the stench of the garbage eventually seeps through. Our senses are altered. We respond to what "was" rather than what "is." When this happens, it means there is something we have not learned. We must go back to school. The valley is school.

Ann hung up the telephone. It was then that she realized, "I'm not crying! I'm not numb! I may be a bit rattled, but I'm not dead! I was lied to and betrayed, but I'm not dead! I was wrong about someone I truly love, and I'm not dead. I didn't fail the test!" Ann went into the room with him, stared at him briefly, and shook her head in amazement. She repeated her desire for him to leave. She had a brief moment of faltering. She wanted to know "why." She realized, however, that to know why and not understand it would probably kill her. She decided that "why" didn't matter.

It started as a murmur in the deepest recesses of her brain. As it grew louder, the words became audible: "I can do this! I can do this! Yes! I CAN do this!" He was putting on his shoes. Ann verbalized the mantra: "I can do this!" She got a facecloth from the linen closet, took it into the bathroom, doused it in cold water, and placed it on the back of her neck. "I can do this!" He was standing up. Ann could feel his confusion, pain, fear. "I can do this!" Ann left the room. He left the house. Ann wasn't dead, but what she didn't know at the time was that she was in a very deep, dark valley. As his car pulled away from the house, Ann chanted: "I CAN DO THIS!"

At every single moment, we are given the opportunity to choose our future. What we do today will determine what we face next week, next month, or next year. It is at the moment of a particular occurrence that we are called upon to make a choice: Will I do it the way I've always done it, or will I do it a different way? Our ability to choose is based on what we believe about ourselves, the world, and life. If you believe in garbage, you may choose to stay where you are. If you believe in change, goodness, and growth, you will put your butt on the line and choose a new way. The garbage we believe in, the things we fear, and our need to be right form the skeletal framework in the anatomy of a valley.

What Is a Valley?

In order to avoid confusion, the confusion which is bound to well up in your mind as you try to figure out what valley you may or may not have visited, this brief definition is offered. A valley is a life situation designed to teach a character trait or spiritual virtue which has been undeveloped or underdeveloped during the course of your life. These traits and virtues are things we know we "should" practice, but forget or resist incorporating into our lives. Patience, trust, faith, courage, wisdom, honesty — each of these in some way corresponds to a natural law or universal principle which governs the orderly flow of life, whether or not we recognize it. The universe we call "life" is actually a spiritual process governed by spiritual laws we are expected to embrace and live by. In fact, each of us is charged at birth with the responsibility of doing so in order to realize emotional growth and spiritual evolution. Unfortunately, we do not realize this very integral fact until much later in life.

Evolution is not an easy task when we view it from a human perspective. As human beings, we are trained to resist that which is difficult and to all but ignore that which is spiritual. We abandon the life-fulfilling process of spiritual evolution for intellectual pursuits. We want to be smart and right, not enlightened and evolved. We are encouraged to develop personality, not spirituality. Although we do not recognize it, we have the opportunity to develop personality through the practice of spiritual traits and virtues. Unfortunately, the pressures of the world tempt us to reject spiritual strength at the first opportunity to get to the top of the personality heap.

The valleys help to bring the true purpose and meaning of life back into focus. Life is learning, growing, giving, sharing, and loving ourselves into a state of unconditional, peaceful acceptance. Your spirit needs peace and love, not a BMW and a VCR! Valleys are situations designed by life in response to our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, which are the true indicators of our spiritual needs. Valleys force us to examine what we are doing, why we are doing it, and to decide whether we choose to satisfy the needs of personality or to pursue the evolution of the spirit. The pressure we experience during these growth opportunities in life is what we will call "the valley."

The Valleys Defined

What makes the Black woman's learning experience unique with regard to the experiences of all others? What separates what people learn and how they learn from their experiences in life is how they respond to the experiences. All human beings must develop the same traits, embrace the same virtues, and learn the same lessons. What is unique to a particular group of people, based on race, ethnicity, or gender, is their orientation to the experience of life. What do we expect? What do we want? How can we merge our desires and expectations into a cohesive framework?

Our experience as Black women is unique because of our orientation to the life process. More than half of us believe that everything that goes wrong is our fault. It is our fault because something is wrong with us. The thing that is wrong with us may be tied to our being female. It is often the result of our being Black. Even when we realize and recognize that life's events are not our fault, we still think it is our responsibility to fix whatever or whoever is wrong. Most important of all, Black women are not unique insofar as we are not educated about the universal laws which govern life. This lack of education does, however, affect us differently because we are the daughters, sisters, mothers, wives, friends, workers, and underlings to whom most everyone turns to fix the wrongs.

Our ignorance regarding the universal laws and spiritual principles keeps us on a treadmill of trying to figure out what is wrong, hoping we can fix it, trying to show others we can, and struggling to save and protect ourselves in the process. Our conditioned responses to being on the treadmill — trying to get off, struggling not to fall off, fighting to keep from being pushed off, and figuring out how we got there in the first place — take us further away from the spiritual essence of life and the peaceful acceptance of who and what we are. Because women are the mothers, teachers, and supportive foundation of the rest of the human community, it is important that we have the knowledge so that we can teach and share it with others. Because Black women have been so much, to so many, for so long, it is imperative that we get what it takes — because we need a rest!

The Valley of Light

There are ten valleys which Black women commonly fall into based on their orientation to life and their everyday human experiences. The most common experience, called the Valley of Light, teaches us the lesson of stillness, a state of solitude and silence which forces us to take a look at ourselves. As we look within, we develop the ability to lovingly reflect on ourselves, our lives, and those around us.

Ignorance is a form of darkness. When we are ignorant about our true nature and identity, as well as the divine rights granted to us based on who we are, we are living in darkness. Black women are more prone to stay in the "darkness" of what others have told us about ourselves than any other group. These external forces tell us what they want us to think, to know, in order to ensure they get what they want from us. Because it is the nature of a woman to serve, our internal instinct is to do what is expected of us. Because Black women have been in a position of servitude for so long, we resist the urge to question or challenge what we are told. However, when the time comes for us to question or challenge, and to know the truth about ourselves, we must be cast into the light. Light creates a self-reflection, which is the character trait we develop in this valley. Reflection alone is not a trait. The ability to reflect on self is.

The Valley of Light represents those experiences which force us to question who we are, to acknowledge what we want, and to decide what we are willing to do about who we are and what we want. The Valley of Light is our opportunity to withdraw from the activity of our lives and the people in them, to reflect on what we have been doing, identify the unproductive behavior we have adopted, and figure out what we will choose for ourselves in the future. From the darkness and ignorance which surround the experiences that take us to this valley, we emerge with a new awareness, prompted by a renewed belief in and love of self.

The Enlightenment Process

The Valley of Light is the "mother" of all valleys. Our ability to master the lessons of these experiences will determine our ability to emerge from all other valleys. In the Valley of Light, we are introduced to our God self and reintroduced to the process required for spiritual enlightenment. Your God self is your spirit, that part of you that is connected to the life and power source of the universe. It is the breath expanding in your lungs. The blood running through your veins. Your God knows exactly what to do and how to get it done. This is the part of you that is forever enlightened and desires to shine in the world. Your God self knows every aspect of the enlightenment process. In the silence of this valley, it will emerge in your conscious mind. The enlightenment process in the Valley of Light is the same process used to get the lesson in every valley.

The first phase is detachment. This is the development of the conscious ability to see yourself and others. In order to see yourself in the light, you must be able to detach, to pull back from the world and be still. The next stage is discernment. More than an ability to see, discernment is being able to understand what you are looking at and how it relates to you. This is a process of dissection, cutting open what you have in your life in order to examine it. With that done, understanding seeps in, enabling you to throw away what is not needed. Once you can see and understand, you reach the next phase, enlightenment. With your new vision and understanding, how should you proceed? What is the character trait you need to develop or virtue you need to practice in order to maintain your new state of consciousness? You know because you can see and understand. The next level of the process requires doing. It is called integration. This is the active part of the enlightenment process. You must now take the information you have and integrate it into your life. Because you have consciously decided to discard the old, the useless, in the discernment process, you have the opportunity and ability to do something new. As you do, you reach the fifth and final stage of the enlightenment process, evolution. By integrating the information which has been revealed to you, and by practicing the trait or virtue you now know you must develop or embrace, you can proceed in your life making better choices and wiser decisions.

The enlightenment we gain through the experiences which take us to the Valley of Light, cause us to reflect on ourselves, and ultimately results in self-mastery. Self-mastery and mastery of the enlightenment process are what will be required in order to grasp the lessons of all valleys. The character trait needed, or the virtue to be practiced, is determined by your individual level of development, and will change according to the universal law that governs a given valley. The experience you have and the lesson you will learn is in direct correlation to the virtue or trait you need to embrace at the time of the experience. Say, for example, you mastered patience or honesty to a certain degree; a later, more profound experience can help you foster an even greater mastery and understanding of it.

How well you learn your lesson is determined by your ability to master yourself through developing a character trait or by practicing a spiritual virtue — your level of mastery determines whether the valley experience is positive or negative. When your responses to any given situation are based on fear or nonproductive habits, a trip to the valley will be negative. When you are willing to move beyond habit and confront what you fear, a valley experience will be positive. You are honing your knowledge of the principles of the universe and the laws of nature. It is your level of mastery and knowledge of the principles and laws which actually determine whether the experience is a ditch, a valley, a dungeon, or Spiritual Special Education.

The lessons of the Valley of Light experiences teach us the power of silence and solitude and the value of self-reflection. Your experiences in this valley will promote your development of the virtue of awareness. Through the light of your reflection and awareness, you find the ability to love yourself. With awareness and self-love tucked in your bra, you realize no matter how low you fall in any valley, if you understand yourself and what you have done to create your valley experience, you are equipped to climb the mountain again. This is the purpose of the next level of experiences, called the Valley of Understanding.

The Valley of Understanding

All of us have had experiences where we believe someone has done us wrong. We have felt betrayed, abandoned, or rejected by someone we loved, trusted, and probably went out of our way to help. When we find ourselves in the midst of this type of experience, undoubtedly we will say, "I don't understand how or why they did this to me!" Of course you don't understand! You are in the Valley of Understanding. Here we are provided an opportunity to strengthen our vision of how we see ourselves and others. This valley helps us understand those aspects of our own nature which must be confronted, accepted, and mastered.

The lesson of this valley is acceptance, learning to see ourselves, other people, and situations as they are, not as we want them to be or fear they might turn out to be. We do not always listen to what is said. We hear it and tell ourselves it means something else. We do not always pay attention to what is going on. We see what we want to see, hear what we want to hear. It is a hazard of not being aware, not being able to accept what really is, and living in fear. It is due to our lack of understanding that the stench of past garbage pollutes our hearts and minds today. The experiences of this valley help us to see how our garbage gets played out through the actions of other people. In the Valley of Understanding, we get a glimpse of all the lessons we will be required to learn in all of the valleys. Here we are tested. We are tested to determine our level of self-understanding.

The universe brings to us other people who show us who and what we are. If we do not understand what is really going on or recognize the lessons we must learn, we mistake our own issues as the shortcomings of others. This valley brings us to the realization that the people in our lives and the situations which confront us are somehow a reflection of our own human nature. The Law of Human Nature which governs this valley helps us to accept what we see without judgment. Nonjudgment is the virtue we must develop in order to gain a deeper understanding of our own nature. The experiences of the Valley of Understanding prepare us for and lead us to the next valley, the Valley of Courage.

The Valley of Courage

For Black women, fear is a major thrust into a valley experience. So many of us, although totally unaware of it, live in a constant state of fear. Fear of failure, rejection, the unknown, being alone, and not being in control. These fears actually emerge as our personality, the bad habits we embrace, and the excuses we give ourselves to stay in self-denial. Fear enables us to convince ourselves that the poor or failing quality of our lives is caused by something or someone outside of ourselves. The truth is, most Black women are riddled with fear. We are afraid "in" the world. Afraid "of" our men. Afraid "for" our children. Most of all, we are afraid of our own power.

Black women are not taught the true meaning of the virtue of courage. We are taught responsibility, accountability, and dependability. We are taught to be neat, clean, and as quiet as possible. Courage, we are taught, is a "guy" thing. For years, I allowed myself to remain in bad relationships, meaningless jobs, and mental and emotional confusion by telling myself "they" would not allow me to move beyond where I was. As I grew in spiritual consciousness, I realized that I stayed where I was so long because I was afraid to go anywhere else.

The Valley of Courage is named for the character trait it teaches. In order to have courage, we must develop the ability to surrender. This is the trait we master in this valley. We must surrender our secrets: our secret fears and secret thoughts about ourselves and the world. As we surrender, we begin to trust the universe called life. We learn to trust the spirit within. We begin to examine what we really believe about ourselves, our lives, and the people we have attracted into our experience. The Law of Belief which governs this valley enables us to see that it is not life we fear, rather our beliefs about life create our fears. When we master our fears, we become courageous and trusting. With courage and trust, no valley is too deep, no challenge too difficult to confront.

The Valley of Knowledge and Wisdom

From the Valley of Courage, we usually take a trip through the Valley of Knowledge and Wisdom. We all know everything we need to know. The knowledge we need to face most of life's experiences is imprinted on our genes. It was passed on to us by our grandmothers, reinforced through and by our mothers. Our challenge is to develop the wisdom required to put what we know to good use, which is often made difficult because Granny and Momma did not come right out and tell us what they knew. Oh no! That would have made it too easy! Instead, the knowledge and wisdom is couched in old wives' tales, euphemisms, and innuendo.

We all remember being told, "Never say never." Then there is the classic warning, "Stop saying what you can't do!" How could we forget "Stand up straight. Hold your head up when someone is talking to you!" And no grandmother would be worth her weight in salt had she not told you, at least fifty times a year, to "Mind your own business!" There is knowledge hidden in the midst of the sassy gems. Momma knew it. Granny knew it. However, in the midst of the hysteria of your puberty, followed by the hormonal imbalance of your adolescence, which flowed right into the transformative migration of your adulthood, they forgot to tell you what they really meant. Now your job is to find out and use it wisely.

You will know you are in this valley when you are faced with a situation which you can't seem to get out of or around. When everyone you talk to tells you something different and none of it makes sense. Your memory tries to fail you as Granny's face cascades before you. She is waving that finger at you. Momma's voice is ringing in your ears reminding you of all the things you never listened to. You struggle against admitting that their mumbling, ranting, and raving are finally beginning to make sense. The issue now becomes, are